Case Studies
Business Wire
Genasys & FloodMapp Partner to Deliver Dynamic Emergency Management & Preparedness
Fox Weather
Australian company provides real-time flood maps
FloodMapp selected as supplier for National Operational Flood Intelligence
City of Boston
City of Boston Invests in Enhanced Emergency and Coastal Resilience Planning with FloodMapp
FEMA's Community Rating System: How Flood Intelligence Can Reduce Flood Insurance Premiums
Esri ArcNews
Real-time Flood Intelligence Helps Coastal City Build Resilience
Climate Global News
Top Leading Women to Watch
CBS Austin
Williamson County partners with FloodMapp to access real-time flood intelligence
How FloodMapp is Redefining Flood Management
Community Impact
Williamson County to use operational flood intelligence for disaster response
Smart Cities World
Williamson County boosts flood preparation and response
Fox News Austin
Williamson County signs contract with FloodMapp to revolutionize flood disaster